#keefe x tam
milo-igidk · 4 months
im making moodboards for kotlc ships, gimme some ships plssss
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OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN FOR "Picture Us" NEW KAM FIC BY @smollikeafrog AND I (on wattpad)
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I added a new story to my Nonbinary Sophie series so if you think that's cool maybe check it out!
I haven't written in a while so this is purely for fun :)
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But what if they were in love
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Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything.
Keefe felt paralyzed as his heart beat faster than a mad horse, while his ankle felt like the hottest flames of hell due to him spraining it a mere 15 minutes ago.
Screaming would be useless as he were in an abandoned wing, consequently leaving the only voice to reply being his own from an echo. 
Screaming would, additionally, cause him a quicker death, which was the opposite of what the young prince wanted. 
Either way, he couldn’t; his fear stopped him.
For months, raiders had been stealing and attacking the kingdoms of the West. Raiders were, unfortunately, a common occurrence in their nations. However, these raiders were a united force, leaving a single symbol to indicate their presence. 
Each kingdom had tried assembling a pattern, but the raids were random– none had surfaced in either number, merchant, time, date, or order; nothing. Just a menacing symbol of an eye hidden where the stolen object used to be or graffitied where anyone passing by could see it.
The raiders never seen, never heard, never found, always merciless.
The rare times a witness caught a glimpse of the raiders, the unfortunate witness was found dead with the symbol of the raiders burnt into their forehead like a brand they had to bear unwillingly.
Despite this, the monarchs of each kingdom facing these raids and their advisors had managed to cooperate. They noticed that the more these raids happened, the other crimes decreased, such as arson, murder (those unrelated to the raiders), robberies, riots, everything you could name.
It seemed that this organization of raiders was hiring or killing every last criminal free from the law.
And soon, Keefe would be killed by one of those raiders.
The raider’s footsteps had stopped– and Keefe’s heart stopped as well.
Was that an indication that they were sneaking up on him?
And the door-
Perhaps the raider locked it.
Why was the raider here?
Would anyone care to save him?
Would anyone care at all?
Would anyone care if he died?
The raider’s footsteps stopped-
It couldn’t be the end.
It couldn’t be the end of his bloodline.
He would be the first Crown Prince to die from a raider, but not the first noble.
He started praying for the salvation of some kind.
The door creaked.
“Your Highness?” A voice called into the hall. 
Keefe held his breath out of fear for this new person.
“If you’re hiding, it isn’t funny!” The defiant voice continued as he heard footsteps approach his hiding spot; those of the raider or this bold person, Keefe was unsure. “Your father wishes for your presence in court and told me to drag you by the ear if I have to.” 
The voice got closer to Keefe’s hiding spot with each word until the owner had found him: a girl with small braids in her blonde hair and ice-blue eyes.
Keefe faintly remembered her from a ceremony, but which one he couldn’t recall.
“Your Highness, this is no time to play foolish games. Surely, you know that!”
“O- of course. I- I was merely playing a game! A- a jest or a trick, if you will,” the baffled prince stuttered through his answer. 
The blonde rolled her eyes. “As I said a few seconds ago, if you were listening, your father demands your presence at court now.”
“I- of course. Let us depart now. I know my father doesn’t like waiting when he summons me.”
The guard pulled him to his feet, and they left the wing. 
Keefe quickly shut it and started limping away from it as fast as he could with the guard’s aid. 
As soon as Keefe knew he was in a safe space (or at least one with more guards), he stopped and breathed in relief.
“I cannot thank you enough. I was afraid that I was on the door of death.  My heart felt like a mad horse.”
“It is simply my duty, your Highness. You are the only heir to the throne, and my duty as a soldier and citizen is to serve the kingdom in any little way I can. I saw you run past my station with a raider in tow, and I couldn’t stand by knowing that you were in danger.”
“Even then, I owe my life to you, er…” he trailed off embarrassedly.
“Marella. Just Marella. No nicknames.”
“Well, in that case, I owe my life to you, Marella.”
“ I agree that I  have saved your life, but your ankle seems to hurt. Shall I take you to the physician for treatment?”
“Yes, please. I do not wish to be named the lazy heir,” Keefe joked with a grimace..
Once his ankle healed and he could walk without a limp, he requested a court audience with his parents.
His parents had heard of their son resting in the physician’s wing, but they had yet to learn about what happened to Keefe and accepted the requested audience as quickly as Keefe had sent it. 
His father was King Cassius, the sixth of his name, while his mother was Queen Gisela, the youngest daughter of the Nightfall kingdom. The king and queen never made time for Keefe amidst their royal duties, leaving Keefe to his own devices.
He had regularly spent time with his twin cousins, that had grown up alongside him when his uncle and aunt, King Adalius and Queen Violet of the Moonfire kingdom, passed away. 
Currently, his cousins were in their kingdom, preparing for their coronations as they settled political and economic problems. Keefe missed them dearly, yet he knew it was for the best.
The rare times his parents cast a single glance at him, it concerned his education and royal duties. In this time of rebellion, Keefe was lucky to get an audience when his father and mother were busy dealing with the losses of the raids.
The guards to the throne room had been reluctant to allow Marella to enter the room with Keefe as she had grown loyal to him ever since she saved him. Keefe, unwilling to let Marella leave his side, told the guards that Marella was a valuable witness.
The guards were reluctant as ever but pulled back their spears blocking the entrance to the throne room.
Without waiting for them to open the doors or announce him, Keefe pushed them open and barged into a chaotic court. 
Multiple ladies fanned themselves furiously as their cakey makeup ran down their faces for reasons Keefe couldn’t tell. 
The ladies that weren’t fanning themselves were in four categories: bored, gossiping, attempting to calm the men down, or arguing.
His mother closed her eyes as if she were staying out of this while his father argued with the lords next to him. They both looked like they had headaches.
“Is the court always like this?” Marella whispered to him.
“I assume,” Keefe whispered back. “I’m never invited to court frequently enough to know.”
It took approximately 20 minutes for his father to notice him, but it took another 10 for the court to calm down until his mother gave the signal for silence.
As soon as the room was utterly silent, Keefe wasted no time in telling what had happened to him. 
By the end of his story, his father’s eyes were stormy and forming a plan.
A month and a half later, Keefe was ready to set sail.
The timing was perfect; his father and the other monarchs had been ready to send their heirs to sign treaties of unity ever since they discovered the symbol of the Neverseen, the name the kingdoms decided to give the rebels.
As far as Keefe was concerned, the treaties stated that if the kingdoms suffered a loss in this period of raids, the other nations would send aid of some sort. 
Lumenaria was the agreed rendezvous for the treaty signing with no protest. 
Pre-dating the birth of written records, Lumenaria had been a sacred ground for signing treaties of all varieties.
Despite that, Keefe worried that he would accidentally cause a war rather than make allies for a battle if it happened. 
Keefe was famous in gossip circles for provoking pranks and aggravating certain people that didn’t have the shortest tempers, as reported by Marella, who was well-versed in gossip circles of that sort.
A voice cleared behind him, chasing his doubts away.
He turned, saw Marella in royal bodyguard apparel, and his jaw dropped in shock.
In a short time, they formed a familial bond. However, if she’d mentioned this, Keefe had forgotten.
“Marella! What- when? You didn’t tell me!”
Marella rubbed the back of her head nervously, which was also a new sight as Marella had always been confident around him, and laughed humbly.
“It was a last-minute promotion. Your parents saw it fit that I was to accompany you as my training has concluded. Plus, any bodyguard you have had in the past quits almost immediately. My father panicked when royal guards showed up at our door.”
Keefe laughed, not unkindly.
“Well, congratulations! You deserve it. It seems like I don’t have to stow you away in one of the crates anymore,” he joked. 
Before they boarded the ship, Keefe took one last look at his homeland and future kingdom, praying to any deity that would listen that he got back home. Preferably unscathed with all limbs intact instead of his body scarred from war and a scowl on his face. Preferably with his people still loyal to him and his bloodline. 
He took in the towering spires of the castle he called home and turned away, praying for safe passage.
Keefe deeply breathed in the sea air and didn’t look back as soon as the sails were let loose. 
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sc-the-doodle-bugs · 1 year
How to get a gay Kotlc after Stellerlune
- The group finds out Sophie and Keefe are dating.
-Marellinh is already a thing.
- Fitz becomes angry and sad
- Dex goes to comfort him (apparently) and they start to hang out. (The other half of Keeper of the Lost Prepositions on Ao3, by @squishmallow36) This causee thrm to bond and Detz happens
- Sophie and Keefe finally figure out that they are anything but straight and quickly break up. They go in separate ways.
-Sophie and Biana become besties and SoBiana becomes a thing.
-Keefe and Tam start to hang out with the Detz couple and they talk about finding their lovers and stuff (at least something like that) and then Keefe and Tam find out they have feelings for each other and... Kam is born.
Gay Kotlc happens.
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justalostkeeper · 1 year
Keefe: What time is it? Sophie: Go look at the clock and see for yourself! Keefe: How warm is it outside? Sophie: Go outside and see for yourself! Keefe: How long would it take a melder to kill tam? Sophie: Go- Sophie: ...nice try, Keefe
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faggot-friday · 8 months
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hey @theogony! i was your secret santa and im so incredibly sorry for being late, i haven’t had much time to myself lately lol
other versions under the cut :) (@song-tam)
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tam is the wednesday in the relationship whilst keefe is the enid. shannon told me herself.
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song-tam · 2 years
kam is so wild tbh. something something they parallel each other and theyre each other’s physical representations of what they never had and they’re light and darkness but you look closer and the darkness has secret light and the light has so much darkness and they understand each other in a way no one else could but also they don’t understand each other at all something something
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Steddie may have "cover urself slut" *throws denim vest* but Kam has "wtf there is literally no reason for you to bare your chest in the first place"
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fastleopard1521 · 8 months
KotLC talk
Sapphia:*bangs boy*
Sapphia: ayo kinda sus hmmmmmmmmm
me: AYO
Sapphia: keefe wanna bang tam?
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Show me how to live (Like Real People Do)
Keefe sencen x tam song, 1115 words, angst (without a happy ending), major character death
@constant-sapphic-breakdown honeyboo this is all your fault for shaping my hozier obsessions. Hope you’re ashamed of yourself /lh/j
I know you guys signed up for my art but this is also an art form be tortured my darlings /j (ask to be added!)
taglist- @theseasonalarsonist @theseasonismerrybutimnot @writingandwritten @abubble125 @that-glasses-dog @callas-pancake-tree @appleflv @katniss-elizabeth-chase @bylerlve
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thepumkinmoth · 4 months
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I was going through the quotes I saved when I read the series and these were all the Tam Cam worthy moments
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Not me making my best friend help me write a fic abt two male characters he definitely does not ship
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crippling-pages · 2 months
Rayni should've been a 12 year old.
For starters,
SHE'D BE SOOO MUCH MORE FUNNY literally everything she's said so far would've been 10x funnier if it was spoken from a 12 year old's mouth. "you're just fosters back up" its funny but funnier coming from a little kid.
imagine how it would've been for Tam tho. meeting her for the first time. imagine your a prisoner being tortured but then suddenly a 12 year old comes up to you and is like 'what up !@#$."
12 year old rayni would have a potty mouth and it would be HILARIOUS
Rayni is already savage but trust me, she'd be even more savage as a 12 year old she'd be like the 12 year old fitz haters on pinterest
"but we're cong-"
ok so maybe she wouldnt say something like that but here's a reminder; she's 12. 12 year olds would 100% say this.
wait omg imagine there's a sophitz or a sokeefe moment and we get the "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THATS SO GROSS" or even worse its something not PG
or better yet
its a tiana moment i could just finish that there tbh and because its tam, aka her unofficial brother its wayy worse. like biana compliment tam on something, and tam blushes and sheepishly thanks her (as what has happened many times before) and then rayni takes a look at her brothers smiling, blushing face, looks at biana's, and bluntly says "you should ask her out" or smth and then we have tam choking on air and frozen biana, while keefe is just laughing his butt off in the corner.
thinking about Rayni going through her emo phase yet she picked the name that everyone has to call her (pre-reveal) Glimmer.
10x more likeable. just saying.
Rayni getting re enrolled into Foxfire, Rayni annoying the heck out of Tam, Rayni and Linh hanging out being sisters, Tiergan adopting Rayni, the crew adopting Rayni, Raying being savage as heck to the crew
also the angst. THE ANGST.
...imma go start writing this.
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